Astronomy quiz question: neutron star precursor

Astronomy 210 Quiz 5, Spring Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

A __________ main sequence star will eventually become a neutron star.
(A) massive.
(B) medium-mass.
(C) low-mass.
(D) (More than one of the above choices.)
(E) (None of the above choices.)

Correct answer: (B)

Massive main sequence stars can either become black holes or neutron stars, depending on the mass of the core remaining after the type II supernova explosion at the end of its supergiant phase.

Section 30676
(A) : 42 students
(B) : 10 students
(C) : 4 students
(D) : 4 students
(E): 1 student

"Success level": 72% (including partial credit for multiple-choice)
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.63

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