Astronomy current events question: smarter Opportunity rover

Astronomy 210L, Spring Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students are assigned to read online articles on current astronomy events, and take a short current events quiz during the first 10 minutes of lab. (This motivates students to show up promptly to lab, as the time cut-off for the quiz is strictly enforced!)
Astronomy.com editors, "Mars Rover Getting Smarter As It Gets Older," March 24, 2010
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is now able to choose and investigate targets on its own, without constant human monitoring, due to:
(A) rebooting its memory.
(B) unexplained reasons.
(C) a software upgrade.
(D) transferring data to the unused Spirit rover.
(E) an evolution in artificial intelligence.

Correct answer: (C)

Student responses
Sections 30678, 30679, 30680
(A) : 2 students
(B) : 1 student
(C) : 46 students
(D) : 9 students
(E) : 5 students

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