Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam (SLO)

Astronomy 210, Spring Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
(San Luis Obispo Campus)

Astronomy 210 In-class activity 14: OBAFGKM Poetry Slam

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Oscar Bails Apples from Gorillas Kicking Monkeys
--B. A.

Obama Brings Animated Fun Grommit Kook Mam
--J. A.

Olga Bakes Alfred Flaming Gecko Knees Manly
--K. A.

Orlando Bloom: Another Famous Guy Keeping Mullets Looking Trendy...
--N. B.

Out Beat A Fun Games of Kings Mug
--N. B.

Owlbears Beat A Freakin' Goblin Killing Min-max'd Rogue Ninja Scout Cut-purse
--E. B.

Obama Banishes Aliens For Good Karma, Man
--J. B.

Oh Baby, A Fat Giraffe Killed Me!
--E. B.

Oh Boy A Fierce Godzilla Killed Me
--M. C.

Oh Boy, Another Facking Gandalf Killed Me
--A. C.

Off Beat Adventure Freaks Get Killer Mullets
--C. C.

Oven Baked Apricots Feed Great Knowledgeable Manly-men
--L. D.

Only Bugs Avoid Fighting Giant Kittens (Mice Too!)
--M. D.

Only Big And Freaky Girls Kiss Me Like That
--D. D.

Our Big TV Allows Fat Grampa Kyle More Lazy Time
--A. D.

Old Bart Ate Four Giant King Meals
--J. D.

Oh Brother, A Fat Guy Killed My Last Taco
--B. D.

Our Basement Always Floods, Given Kentucky's Many Rainstorms
--A. E.

Only Ben And Fernando Get Kix Mom
--K. E.

Oppenheimer Bohr Ampere Faraday Gauss Kepler Maxwell
--B. F.

Only Big And Fat Guys Kiss Me
--T. F.

Orange Bananas Are Fruit Getting Kind of Mutated
--G. F.

Only Big Anchovies Feel Great with Ketchup and Mayonnaise
--M. G.

Only Bad Ass Freaks Get Kitty Mane
--W. G.

Oh Be A Fantabulous Girl Kook Me Rice aNd Shrimp
--B. H.

Oh Brother Astronomy Frazzles Great Keen Minds Remembering Newton Springs Consternation
--J. H.

Oatmeal Bars Are Fantastically Good... Kinda MMMMmmm
--B. H.

Oprah Bought Acid For Guilty Killer MILFs
--D. H.

Obama Blazes All Fantastic Green Keef Multiple Rounds Never Sharing Chronic
--J. H.

Only Beasts And Ferocious Giants Kill Men
--S. H.

Oh Beware A Freaky Guy Killed Me
--C. J.

Occasionally, Beastly Apes Find Goats as Killer Mates :)
--K. J.

Old Bums Are Fairly Gentle Kind Men
--J. K.

Only Beer Attracts Females Giving Keg Money
--S. K.

Out Before Amanda Finals Grabig(?) and Kills Me
--E. L.

Orange Bananas Are For Giving Growling Killer Monkeys Running Naked Smoking Cannabis
--K. L.

Over Board Again Friend, Go "Kick-It" Man
--C. M.

Only Bees And Flies Go 'Kasplat' Making Really Nice Splatter Constellations!!!
--J. M.

Orange Baboons Angrily Fight Giant Kangaroos Mysteriously
--C. M.

Only Blind Automotive Fans Give Kias Magnficent Reviews, Not Serious Car-lovers
--D. M.

Oh Boy Astronomers Finals Give Killer Migraines
--M. M.

Oh Boy Another Four Games, Kill Me
--R. M.

Only Because Alice Frequently Grew Kingly Mustaches
--S. M.

OK, Basically A Fat Guppy Killed Me
--C. N.

Oozing Blood, Awkwardly Flowing, Gone, Killed Mirthlessly
--K. O.

On Base Astronomers Find Good Kuiper Measurements
--M. P.

Only Bad Astronomers Forget Generally Known Mnemonics
--J. P.

On Board A Flight Getting Kids Money
--M. P.

Our Big Ant Farm Gained Kilo Meter
--J. R.

One Big Ass Fire God Kona's Murdered
--A. R.

Oh Be Alert For Giant Killer Monkeys Lighting Torches
--R. R.

Obama and Biden Are Friendly Guys Killing Millionaires
--J. R.

Only Beer Awesomely Fills Giant Kegs Man
--T. R.

Orange Band-aids After Fighting a Green Killer Monster Look Tacky
--M. R.

Old Basketball Athletes Finance Great King's Money Like Trash
--J. S.

Olive Baskets At Family Gatherings Kause Measles
--G. S.

Oh Brother, Another Freaking Gorilla Knocked Me Right Next to the Scorpius Constellation
--A. S.

Only Brawlers And Fighters Get Kicked Maliciously
--D. S.

Old Beers Are For Ghost King Mustafa
--T. S.

Orangutans Bark At Fat Girls who Kill Monkeys
--J. S.

Oh Barack, Always Flapping Gums and Kissing Monkeys' Little Tails
--A. S.

On Beaches A Flattering Girl Knows Me
--K. T.

Obama Barely Arouses Females Goodies with Kinky Methods
--P. T.

Oprah Battled A Ferocious Gladiator Kicking Massive Rocks Near Salonius' Coconuts
--A. V.

Only Boys Allowed, For Girl Kisses Mean Receiving Nasty Sick Cooties
--G. G.

Overly Baked Apple Fragments Give Kamakazi Messages
--J. W. (1)

Obese Bats Are Fat, Goofy, Klutzy Mammals
--J. W. (2)

Obama Barack And Friends Gave Kickback Money
--J. Z.

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam instructions.

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