Education research: preliminary feedback on flashcards and online reading assignments (Cuesta College, Astronomy 210, Spring Semester 2010)

Cuesta College students taking Astronomy 210 (introductory astronomy) at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA use flashcards to engage in peer-interaction ("think-(pair)-share") discussion questions during lecture, and complete weekly online reading assignments (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments.

Through the fifth week of instruction, students were given the opportunity to evaluate the instructional components of the course, and the use of flashcards and online reading assignments in an online "Learning Resource Survey" hosted by SurveyMonkey.com. Questions from section II are adapted from the Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) survey (developed by Elaine Seymour, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison), and questions from section III (III.1, III.3, III.5, and III.7) were adapted from a "Clicker Attitude Survey" (N. W. Reay, Lei Bao, and Pengfei Li, Physics Education Research Group, Ohio State University).

These are the complete survey results. Analysis will be forthcoming after more data has been compiled from future semesters. Values for the mean and standard deviations are given next to the modal response category for each question. Note that the order of questions within sections II, III, and V were randomly scrambled for each student.
Learning Resource Survey
Cuesta College
Astronomy 210 Spring Semester 2010 sections 30674, 30676
(N = 62)

I. In order to receive credit for completing this survey,
first enter your first and last name below:

II. How much did each of the following aspects of the class help
your learning?

II.1 Lecture by instructor.
1. Strongly disagree 2 : **
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 15 : ***************
4. Agree 28 : **************************** [4.0 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 17 : *****************

II.2 Working in groups on in-class activities.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 12 : ************
4. Agree 21 : *********************
5. Strongly agree 26 : ************************** [4.1 +/- 0.9]

II.3 Using flashcards to participate in class.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 5 : *****
4. Agree 33 : ********************************* [4.1 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 21 : *********************

II.4 Reading the textbook.
1. Strongly disagree 2 : **
2. Disagree 9 : *********
3. Neutral 21 : ********************* [3.4 +/- 1.0]
4. Agree 20 : ********************
5. Strongly agree 10 : **********

II.5 Demonstrations/videos in class.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 0 :
3. Neutral 4 : ****
4. Agree 33 : ********************************* [4.3 +/- 0.6]
5. Strongly agree 25 : *************************

II.6 Interacting with other students during class.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 12 : ************
4. Agree 25 : ************************* [4.1 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 22 : **********************

II.7 Interacting with other students outside of class.
1. Strongly disagree 5 : *****
2. Disagree 12 : ************
3. Neutral 26 : ************************** [3.1 +/- 1.2]
4. Agree 11 : ***********
5. Strongly agree 8 : ********

II.8 Online reading assignments.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 6 : ******
3. Neutral 26 : ************************** [3.5 +/- 0.8]
4. Agree 25 : *************************
5. Strongly agree 5 : *****

III. Answer the following statements which may or may not describe
your beliefs about the use of flashcards in this class.

III.1 I like using flashcards.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 5 : *****
3. Neutral 13 : *************
4. Agree 25 : ************************* [3.9 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 19 : *******************

III.2 Flashcards helped me understand lectures better.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 7 : *******
3. Neutral 8 : ********
4. Agree 30 : ****************************** [3.9 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 17 : *****************

III.3 I would recommend using flashcards in future semesters of this class.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 3 : ***
3. Neutral 8 : ********
4. Agree 32 : ******************************** [4.1 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 19 : *******************

III.4 I will avoid other classes using flashcards in future semesters.
1. Strongly disagree 23 : ***********************
2. Disagree 28 : **************************** [1.8 +/- 3.0]
3. Neutral 10 : **********
4. Agree 1 :
5. Strongly agree 0 :

III.5 Flashcards were a positive experience.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 11 : ***********
4. Agree 33 : ********************************* [4.1 +/- 0.7]
5. Strongly agree 17 : *****************

III.6 Too much time in class was spent using flashcards.
1. Strongly disagree 17 : *****************
2. Disagree 28 : **************************** [2.1 +/- 2.3]
3. Neutral 12 : ************
4. Agree 4 : *****
5. Strongly agree 1 : *

III.7 Too many flashcard questions were asked.
1. Strongly disagree 12 : ************
2. Disagree 33 : ********************************* [2.1 +/- 1.7]
3. Neutral 13 : *************
4. Agree 4 : ****
5. Strongly agree 0 :

III.8 Using flashcards was difficult.
1. Strongly disagree 21 : *********************
2. Disagree 28 : **************************** [2.0 +/- 2.7]
3. Neutral 8 : ********
4. Agree 5 : *****
5. Strongly agree 0 :

IV. (Optional.) Please type in any comments you may have regarding
the use of flashcards in Astronomy 210.
The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"I hope this is talking about the flash cards we use during class to answer questions."

"Sometimes people don't get that they need to pass the flashcards down."

"I learn a lot from using flashcards. Sometimes I won't understand something and a neighbor can explain it to me."

"none, i think they work pretty good and force you to think about it and choose an answer or else you're gunna be the only idiot not holing up a card at the end....awkward"

"I like getting to share why we got our answer because it really helps me when people reinforce the lecture."

"I think thatafter the students discuss their answers together the instructor needs to explain the answer - too often students were arguing with each other with no difinitive answer afterwards."

"Its good, but sometimes group members don't know the answer and they guess and they think they know, while really they explain something that sometimes is wrong. Hence why i feel the instructor should always answer every question."

"GG on the flash cards bro."

"i think we should have more explain about the answers"

"I really enjoy the flashcard experience because it's not singling one person out so it's 'ok' if you're wrong, and it's nice to have a chance to have others around you try and explain other answers or agree on the same as you. Great learning technique."

"If anything, it would be helpful to use more flashcard questions during class, as these are some of the same types of questions used in quizzes and exams."

"The flashcards are good because if someone doesn't understand something they can ask another student who does understand for help."

"the flashcards really help with further understanding the material."

"I love that it's FREE. And I love that it's an easier way for 'shy' students to participate in class."

"They do help their is no denying that, unless you don't pay attention to them. What would be nice is if more class time could be contributed to the use of the flashcards. After all they are great for review and fine tuning key concepts."

"Flashcards are a good way to clear up andy un answered wuestion a student may have according to the lecture."

"I only dislike the flashcards because i don't feel very confident in my answers. This could be because I don't understand the topic at the moment that we are learning. Also, when working with groups, I enjoy interacting with others, but it's hard to work with people who are struggling as I am."

"I think the flashcards are put into good use because it's a great way to see if you understand that day's lecture or not."

"I like using the flashcards. They are very helpful :)"

"They are helpful to me because I am actively engaging the question, and then explaining it to someone else, which improves my understanding of the topic."

"Flashcards are alright I guess, I have just experienced better learning methods."

"I like the flashcard questions and would prefer if we did more"

"Flashcards are pretty good"

"The flashcard questions helped me greatly in studying for both the quizzes thus far. I wish we had more time to go over even more of the flashcard questions. Please keep using them. They help tremendously."

"The part that I like most about using flashcards is having another classmate explain their reasoning for their answer to you. It helps to get a better understading of something because someone else may be able to explain something in an easier way to remember than the way that you had learned it."

"Clickers were more fun."

"to much time talking to people about it"

"I think they are good preparation for quizzes and tests."

"Convincing others of your answer helps cemment the underlying principals of the question. With astronmy the flashcard exercises become a session in reasoning, if the class was in history or liturature the flashcard exercises would be of less learning value."

"good idea!"

"Flashcards can be a little too time consuming, yet they can help."

"Flashcards are a good way of keeping the attention of the class and the focus on the material rather than just lecturing which results in students day dreaming."

"I like them a lot!"

"I think they are a good bit of extra practice."

"They are a great aid for learning. Usually I am completely lost with the flashcards, but the fact that we go over them makes me feel comfrotable. Also, the flashcards make me focused, or get back on track when I may be nodding off....There a great tool, and if any thing we should do more."

"They are awesome"

"I think they are a great way to make lecture interactive and have started using them in my own high school classes."

"Flashcards form a basis of understanding for me involving certain aspects of astrology. For example, if I didn't have a full understanding of the phases of the moon and how they appear to a person on one side of the Earth, then flashcard questions would help me understand this concept better."

"Flashcards are great, because if you're not understanding the material you can see what you're doing wrong by paying attention to the answers behind the questions."

"It is a great way to learn new concepts. I also like how we can discuss with students what the right answer is, it enforces active learning."

"Sometimes I cant see the questions due to where my group is and cant answer the question promptly"

V. Answer the following statements which may or may not describe 
your beliefs about the use of the online reading assignments in this class.

V.1 I like working on the online reading assignments.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 7 : *******
3. Neutral 18 : ******************
4. Agree 27 : *************************** [3.6 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 10 : **********

V.2 Online reading assignments helped me understand lectures better.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 14 : **************
3. Neutral 17 : *****************
4. Agree 22 : ********************** [3.3 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 7 : *******

V.3 I would recommend using online reading assignments in future semesters of this class.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 4 : ****
3. Neutral 12 : ************
4. Agree 34 : ********************************** [3.9 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 11 : ***********

V.4 I will avoid other classes using online reading assignments in future semesters.
1. Strongly disagree 21 : *********************
2. Disagree 29 : ***************************** [1.9 +/- 2.7]
3. Neutral 10 : **********
4. Agree 2 : **
5. Strongly agree 0 :

V.5 Online reading assignments were a positive experience.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 13 : *************
4. Agree 39 : *************************************** [3.9 +/- 0.6]
5. Strongly agree 9 : *********

V.6 Too much time outside of class was spent working on online reading assignments.
1. Strongly disagree 18 : ******************
2. Disagree 36 : ************************************ [1.8 +/- 2.3]
3. Neutral 6 : ******
4. Agree 1 : *
5. Strongly agree 0 :

V.7 Too many online reading assignment questions were asked.
1. Strongly disagree 19 : *******************
2. Disagree 34 : ********************************** [1.9 +/- 2.5]
3. Neutral 7 : *******
4. Agree 2 : **
5. Strongly agree 0 :

V.8 Completing the online reading assignments was difficult.
1. Strongly disagree 27 : *************************** [1.8 +/- 2.4]
2. Disagree 22 : **********************
3. Neutral 10 : **********
4. Agree 3 : ***
5. Strongly agree 0 :

VI. (Optional.) Please type in any comments you may have regarding
the online reading assignments in Astronomy 210.
The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"i did not like the online reading assignments"

"Sad Panda."

"They are somewhat helpful and an easy way to earn points if you just make sure to do them."

"I like that the online reading assignments give you an insight into what we will be learning not only in class the next day but also later in the week."

"I feel like I am only answering for the points because it is only graded for completion. If it were graded for being correct and half credit for completion I might be more inclined to open my book."

"They just kind of feel like they're there, just another homework assignment that needs to get done. They do give give you a heads up on upcoming material as well as some review questions which is kind of nice. The problem is though is that you need to actually do the reading to get the up coming material, which isn't one of my fortes."

"The biggest thing about ORAs are that we have no direction in where to read to find the info. At least not that I see"

"Some of the questions weren't available in the chapters of the books. Did you want us to use google and ask.com as often as I did?"

"Sometimes it was hard for me to answer the online questions acurately because I hadn't read the information well enough yet. But they were a fairly stress free assignment, and it was nice that we get points just for completing the questions."

"A lot of times I can't think of a question or comment worth leaving."

"They are better than chapter review questions."

"I'm not particularly computer savvy so I prefer handouts and I'm a visual learner so I just like to have a hard copy to refer back to."

"i wish there were more questions and like explains to understand astronomy"

"the online reading assignments was a positive experience."

"It something easy anf fun to look forward to do right after class...and the last comment is a nice comic relief :). its 12:09 AM but i think my clock is fast :p"

"I hate to say this, but i love working on the Online Reading assignments because they are easy and fast and you get credit for it. But the truth of the matter is, most people guess inorder to get a grade. Possibly if questions were more difficult, so you HAVE to read your book, more people would understand what we are talking about in class."

"I think the online reading assignment questions should only pertain to what will be covered the following class."

"Continuing to review the right anwers in class from the online reading assignments is helpful in knowing how well I have done."

"I also liked using the online assignments."

"Online reading assignments are an easy way to learn in my opinion, not only this but I like how they give you bonus points!"

"The online reading assignments helped me prepare for the next class - it gave me a sneak peak into what we would be doing so i could study and research a little beforehand, which was great when i got into class because then anything that the teacher said either added to or helped correct my understanding of the subject."

"The online reading assignments prepared me for lecture. Keep using them. I like your teaching style, Pat. It meets the needs of all learning styles, thus cultivating great learning that 'sticks.'"


"I read the book in large chunks, about four or five chapters at a time. So, I would prefer the online assignments were available more than a week in advance."

"I only like the reading assignments when you give us the correct answers and explain why."

"hell ya!"

"I think since they aren't graded there's no push to actually read the material before hand so it's more of a guessing game."

"These were easy points plus it hits main ideas."

"The online reading assignments are good because they introduce us to the new topics that will be discussed"

"There a good idea to keep the student's focus on astronomy out of class."

"They are easy and help you learn."

"The questions are great, but I would like to see more quiz like questions, with answers to see if were on track."

"i like doing hw online"

"They were plenty easy. I might make them a question or two longer and harder."

"quick n easy"

"The online reading assignments help a lot, because it mostly covers the material not discussed in class."

"It gets you ready for the upcoming class, it sort of gives a feel for what class topics will be."

"They are a big help when you go over the reading assignments in class"

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