SPCI pre-test comparison: Cuesta College SLO vs. NC campuses

The Star Properties Concept Inventory (SPCI, developed by Janelle Bailey, University of Nevada-Las Vegas) was administered to Astronomy 210 (one-semester introductory astronomy) students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA during the first class meeting, at both the main San Luis Obispo campus and the North County campus at Paso Robles.

Cuesta College Cuesta College
Astronomy 210 Astronomy 210
NC campus SLO campus
Spring Semester Spring Semester
2009 2009
N 42 students* 63 students*
low 0 1
mean 6.3 +/- 3.0 7.0 +/- 3.3
high 13 17

A "Student" t-test of the null hypothesis results in p = 0.24, thus there is no significant difference between students at these two Cuesta College campuses. This result is similar to a comparison done between campuses in Fall Semester 2008.

For earlier results at Cuesta College and further discussion of the SPCI, see previous posts:

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