Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam (NCC)

Astronomy 210, Spring Semester 2009
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
(North County Campus)

Astronomy 210 In-class activity 14: OBAFGKM Poetry Slam

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Only Bad Ants Find Good Kyanite Minerals
--J. A.

Oh Brother Astronomy Freakin' Gets Kids Mad
--D. B.

Obesity Brings Anguish For Genghis Khan's Mule
--E. B.

Only B____ Always Forgets Gregarious Kooky Mr. Len [Assignments]
--B. B.

Orange Bats Are Fighting Giant Killer Moles
--B. B.

Offer Beer After Breaky Girls Know Me
--F. C.

Only Bringing A Few Good Kine Mexicans Over
--A. E.

Outrigger Boys Always Find Good Kine Music
--P. E.

One Best Absolute Favorite Game Kids Mind
--R. H.

Oh Boy A Fun Game Kills Me
--I. H.

Obviously, Booze And Friendly Girls Keep Men Loving Taverns
--J. H.

Orangutangs Built Ancient Farms [to] Grow Killer Meatballs
--E. H.

Oh Brother Another Furry Gerbil Keeps Masterfully Running Nonsense Semi-Circles
--C. J.

Outrageously Big Animals Fight Gorilla Killing Machines
--J. M.

Occasionally, Babbling About Foreign Goats Kinda Makes Life Tedious
--K. N.

Our Boys Ask For Great Killer Motorcycles
--W. O.

Obama Barack African Fake Gonna Kill Many
--C. P.

Oh Baby! Another Fricken GREAT Kylie Monogue Single!
--A. R.

Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Figs, Grapes, Kiwi, and Mangos [Are All Yummy Fruits]
--C. R.

Orion Boasted About Favored Gemini; Kin Mythical Look-alikes, Temperaments Reversed
--R. R.

Orange Baboons Are Fighting Gorilla-Kicking Monkeys [and] Losing Terribly
Open Boxes Are For Gathering Kite Material
--L. R.

Often Building And Fixing Galleon Keels, Magellan Finally Left To Explore
--J. S.

Oh Blasphemy! Another Failing Grade Kills Me!
--A. S.

Orion Bugged Aries For Googling Kind Midas
--Y. S.

Only Buttheads Ask For Goofy Kids Movies
--K. T.

Organic Bananas Are For Global-warming Knowing Monkeys
--C. W.

Only Baked Astronauts Fear Gnomes Krumping Makes Ludicrous Turbulence
--C. W.

Only Brown Alligators Find Giant Kittens Mouth-watering
--S. W.

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam instructions.

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