Education research: preliminary feedback on clickers (Cuesta College, Physics 205A, Fall Semester 2008)

Cuesta College students taking Physics 205A (college physics, algebra-based, mandatory adjunct laboratory) at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA use numerical keypad clickers (Classroom Performance System, einstruction.com) to enter homework and to engage in peer-interaction ("think-(pair)-share") discussion questions during lecture.

During the third week of instruction, students were given the opportunity to evaluate the instructional components of the course, and the use of clickers in an online "Learning Resource Survey" hosted by SurveyMonkey.com. Questions from section II are adapted from the Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) survey (developed by Elaine Seymour, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison), and questions from section III (III.1, III.3, III.5, and III.7) were adapted from a "Clicker Attitude Survey" (N. W. Reay, Lei Bao, and Pengfei Li, Physics Education Research Group, Ohio State University).

These are the complete survey results. Analysis will be forthcoming after more data has been compiled from future semesters. Values for the mean and standard deviations are given next to the modal response category for each question. Note that the order of questions within sections II and III were randomly scrambled for each student.
Learning Resource Survey
Cuesta College
Physics 205A Fall Semester 2008 sections 70854, 70855
(N = 45)

I. In order to receive credit for completing this survey,
first enter your first and last name below:

II. How much did each of the following aspects of the class help
your learning?

II.1 Lecture by instructor.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 7 : *****
3. Neutral 5 : *****
4. Agree 20 : ******************** [3.8 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 13 : *************

II.2 Doing assigned homework, to be entered using clickers.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 7 : ******
4. Agree 23 : ********************** [4.0 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 13 : *************

II.3 Doing practice homework.
1. Strongly disagree 0 :
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 7 : *******
4. Agree 19 : ******************* [4.1 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 17 : *****************

II.4 Using clickers to participate in class.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 5 : *****
4. Agree 17 : ***************** [4.2 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 20 : ********************

II.5 Reading the textbook.
1. Strongly disagree 3 : ***
2. Disagree 6 : ******
3. Neutral 8 : ********
4. Agree 19 : ******************* [3.6 +/- 1.2]
5. Strongly agree 9 : *********

II.6 Demonstrations/videos in class.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 3 : ***
3. Neutral 13 : *************
4. Agree 17 : ***************** [3.8 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 11 : ***********

II.7 Interacting with other students during class.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 2 : **
3. Neutral 11 : ***********
4. Agree 16 : **************** [3.9 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 15 : ***************

II.8 Interacting with other students outside of class.
1. Strongly disagree 1 :
2. Disagree 6 : ******
3. Neutral 17 : *****************
4. Agree 12 : ************ [3.5 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 9 : *********

III. Answer the following statements which may or may not describe
your beliefs about the use of clickers in this class.

III.1 I like using clickers.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 8 : ********
4. Agree 24 : ************************ [4.0 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 11 : ***********

III.2 Clickers helped me understand lectures better.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 8 : ********
3. Neutral 9 : *********
4. Agree 20 : ******************** [3.5 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 7 : *******

III.3 I would recommend using clickers in future semesters of Physics 205A.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 9 : *********
4. Agree 19 : ******************* [4.0 +/- 0.9]
5. Strongly agree 15 : ***************

III.4 I will avoid other classes using clickers in future semesters.
1. Strongly disagree 17 : *****************
2. Disagree 22 : ********************** [1.8 +/- 2.6]
3. Neutral 5 : *****
4. Agree 1 : *
5. Strongly agree 0 :

III.5 Clickers were a positive experience.
1. Strongly disagree 1 : *
2. Disagree 1 : *
3. Neutral 5 : *****
4. Agree 25 : ************************* [4.1 +/- 0.8]
5. Strongly agree 13 : *************

III.6 Too much time in class was spent using clickers.
1. Strongly disagree 11 : ***********
2. Disagree 20 : ******************** [2.2 +/- 1.9]
3. Neutral 9 : *********
4. Agree 3 : ***
5. Strongly agree 2 : **

III.7 Too many clicker questions were asked.
1. Strongly disagree 11 : ***********
2. Disagree 24 : ************************ [2.1 +/- 1.8]
3. Neutral 4 : ****
4. Agree 5 : *****
5. Strongly agree 0 :

III.8 Clickers should be used to collect assigned homework.
1. Strongly disagree 2 : **
2. Disagree 5 : *****
3. Neutral 10 : **********
4. Agree 21 : ********************* [3.5 +/- 1.0]
5. Strongly agree 6 : ******

III.9 Using clickers was difficult.
1. Strongly disagree 29 : ***************************** [1.4 +/- 4.3]
2. Disagree 13 : *************
3. Neutral 2 : **
4. Agree 1 : *
5. Strongly agree 0 :

IV. (Optional.) Please type in any comments you may have regarding
the use of clickers in Physics 205A.
The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.

"I believe the clickers are a very good way to teach in a classroom, i like the active learning it portrays. I do think we sometimes spend a little too much time messing with the clickers and i feel sometimes i am guessing more then i am learning. THe aspect of talking to fellow neighbors and getting their opinion really helps. Physics could possibly be a very boring class but with the clickers and the active learning it keeps me wide awake and very involved with the class, i have nothing but good words for the clickers and the way they are used in our classroom."

"I like using the clickers; it made the class more interactive and is giving me a better grasp of the subject material."

"I'm not too crazy about having to spend money on the clicker and its registration, however it is an efficient and paperless means of submitting answers to problems done both in class and for homework."

"At first I was skeptical about the use of clickers but am now seeing their usefulness. It speeds up the flow of a lecture hall-style class and allows all of us to try the questions and give an answer. In a lot of classes similar to this, the instructor works out the entire problem and then you go home and try to apply the lessons learned from watching him. With clickers, we not only can get this, but we can get immediate feedback on our strategies because we can try to apply the lessons during the actual lecture. The initial day using clickers was a little interesting because I did not know how to really use one, but they are fairly easy to master in a short space of time."

"Use of clickers is helpful in SOME situations. For example, registering attendance and correcting preassigned homework problems. But it should not be a substitute for learning through lectures. There is still tremendous value in introducing new concepts through the instructor working example problems in class. There is no substitute for witnessing the thought process of an experienced instructor during lecture. I would encourage lessened use of clickers and more lecture time for this reason. Thanks for the opportunity to opine."

"A problem I find while using the clickers is that I usually have all of the homework problems done correctly, but in the past I've had errors sending in the homework (for example, accidentally sending in the right answer to problem a when you ask for problem b). However, it may just be that the clickers take getting used to. I really like when you use clickers to see how the class is doing, but it gets stressful when it's a matter of my grade on the homework."

"Clickers are really good, to see if the class actually gets the material, and are able to do it."

"I like the clickers, they make class kind of fun, and help get you motivated to think about the question instead of just mindlessly copying down notes."

"I like the idea of using clickers for review, but not for explaining new material. I dislike entering homework on them. I realize it makes the teacher's job easier and allows him/her more time to help students, but I miss the teachers feedback about what I am doing wrong on the homework. I do worry about the extensive use of clickers in class. The clicker only tells you if you are right or wrong. It would be helpful to have a lecture first to show us how to do the problem rather than just showing us what we did wrong. The material is very staright forward now, But I have a feeling that it will get very complicated and with the clicker approach, it may cause even more frustration and confusion. It is required of us to read ahead and be prepared for class, but for those who do not understand what the book is trying to teach, the clickers will not help. Each lecture feels like it is more of a review rather than explaining the new material. In summary, this physics class (and teacher) are far better than the others at cuesta, I'm just a little nervous about the clicker approach."

"I believe that on occasion the answer has been unclear and that the answer should be presented more clearly for students who do not understand the material. Also the students should be able to see if they got the homework right or wrong since each clicker has a number the clickers are anonymous. This will help the students understand what they need to study."

"i enjoy the disscusion after we have entered our answers. it makes you fight for what you think, making you think about it more and justifying your answer."

"Your system of clicker usage punctuated by brief discussions builds confidence for "real world" situations by creating the ideal environment for expression of ideas and problem solving among individuals rather than the alternative, a one-sided and (in my opinion,) less effective presentation. thanks :)"

"Clickers are an effective way for the instructor to gage the class's progress throughout the semester."

"Love the interactivity of it - really drills the content into your brain."

"Clickers are fine in class it helps us find the right answer. Personally I would just like more demonstration problems in class and for them to be fully explained. I have trouble reading text and pulling information therefore I absorb most of my information from class lecture and example problems."

"I would like to have more lecture during the class, and less clicker questions. I feel like I leave class with no notes because we are just answering questions the whole time. More paper notes and less questions would be good. thanks"

"Clickers are a great tool, but are too heavily focused upon. Lecture isn't lecture as much as it is "Let's see if you got it right," leaving students to depend on their own reading and learning skills to learn Physics, which is a subject that needs to allow for error. I mean, if we can't even get HW wrong if we want points, it is easy to drown in the subject matter if one doesn't understand. Understanding is not advanced by the use of clickers."

"I don't like using the clickers for homework, even if you get the answer right in ur homework. Sometimes the way the clicker questions are phrased can mess up it answer"

"Huzzah for clickers, keep my attention when reviewing things I find tedious! They really worked in that area and being one of those people that doesnt like to work on things I know or "think" I know, they more then likely saved me a few points across the board already"

"i think they are a good tool for helping the instructor know what needs extra explaining"

"I really do like the concept of using clickers to encourage class participation, yet it seems to take away from the lecture portion. The lecture sems more like an internet class in which one would learn on their own through reading the book, and I believe a Physics class needs more personal instruction."

"Clickers are a waste of money and time. If the class had 200+ people I could see a reason for them but there aren't enough people in this class to warrant their use. On top of this using clickers and discussing things with classmates doesn't actually help me learn anything. I feel like I have to teach myself by reading the textbook which doesn't work for me."

"I think that you don't always give enough time in class for the clickers. I also think that there needs to be more teaching in class instead of review. I learn better when I am tought a concept and then I go home and read about it and really learn it. I think we just brush over lots of things that should really be tought to us more. If you asked questions like this in class that were clicker questions to other than just (H)i dont know how to answer this. That checked how much of an understanding we actually have."

"I think it's constructive. plus i feel like a futuristic student using it. technology is awesome."

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