Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam

Astronomy 10, Spring Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Astronomy 10 learning goal Q8.5

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

One Bottle of Absolut Frequently Gives Killer Mornings
--A. B.

Only Boys Act Foolish Girls Keep Mellow
--T. D.

Only Bubba's Admiration Fueled Gump's Killer Modern Recipe: New Shrimp Chocolate
--R. E.

Oh Bright Awareness Forgive Good Kind Minds
--R. F.

Originally: Beatles Are Four Guys Keeping Music Love-Themed
--C. G.

Once Boys Are Fat Girls Kiss More
--K. G.

Occasionally Bob Argues For Guavas, Kiwis & Mangos, Regularly Never Succeeds Consistently
--S. L.

Our Best Autism Friends Got Knowledgeable Minds
--A. L. M.

Obama Beat A Fat Girl Known As M[rs.] Clinton
--A. M.

Offer Brotherly Advice For Good Karma, Man
--C. M.

Only Big Angry Feminists Go Kicking Men
--V. P.

0s (Zeros) Belong Away From Grades...Kindly Make Less Tests
--E. R.

Out Back A Farmer Grows Killer Mushrooms
--C. S.

Only Bandits And Filchers Gather Kindling & Matches Right Near Stephen Colbert's Lime Trees
--A. B.

Only Blue Army Fans Get Killaminjaros Mate
--C. B.

Outerspace Beings Are Freaking Going to Kill Me
--R. E.

Out Back Against Farthest Galaxies Killer Monkey Reign Negligently Supreme
--D. R.

Octopus Babies Are Full-Grown Killing Machines
--J. R.

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam instructions.

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