Astronomy quiz question: Venus' atmosphere

Astronomy 10 Quiz 5, Spring Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Astronomy 10 learning goal Q5.5

[3.0 points.] Which one of the following choices best explains how carbon dioxide (CO_2) molecules caused the recent evolution of Venus atmosphere to diverge from that of the Earth?
(A) CO_2 from the atmosphere was removed without being replaced, causing Venus' atmosphere to become thinner and colder.
(B) More CO_2 was released into the atmosphere than could be recycled, causing Venus' atmosphere to become thinner and colder.
(C) CO_2 was removed from the atmosphere without being replaced, causing Venus' atmosphere to become thicker and hotter.
(D) Too much CO_2 was released into the atmosphere, causing Venus' atmosphere to become thicker and hotter.
(E) More CO_2 was released into the atmosphere than could be recycled, causing Venus' atmosphere to become thicker and hotter.

Correct answer: (E).

Student responses
Section 4160
(A) : 1 student
(B) : 3 students
(C) : 2 students
(D) : 11 students
(E) : 21 students

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: geo-atmospheric cycles and histories

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