Overheard: quiz before or after long weekend?

Physics 5A, Spring Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Physics 5A (college physics, algebra-based) at Cuesta College during Spring semester 2008 meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Quizzes (and midterms) are scheduled on Fridays. However, due to students getting both Friday and Monday off for a four-day weekend(!) to celebrate both Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays separately, the quiz normally scheduled for that Friday was moved forward to the preceding Wednesday, instead of the following Wednesday.

Conversation on the Monday before the quiz:

Student: "Why can't the quiz be pushed back to after the four-day weekend?"

Instructor: "If you're not ready for this quiz before this four-day weekend...you won't be ready for the quiz after the four-day weekend."

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