Astronomy clicker question: most dangerous photon

Astronomy 10, Spring Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Astronomy 10 learning goal M1.1

Students were asked the following clicker question (Classroom Performance System, einstruction.com) at the beginning of their learning cycle:

[0.3 points.] Which type of light ("electromagnetic radiation") particle is the most dangerous to be exposed to?
(A) A gamma ray photon.
(B) An x-ray photon.
(C) A microwave photon.
(D) (Each of these light particles (A)-(C) are equally dangerous.)

Correct answer: (A)

The energy of a photon is inversely dependent on wavelength; the gamma ray photon is the shortest wavelength of these photons, while the microwave photon has the longest wavelength. Many students explain picking gamma ray photons because of the origins of the Incredible Hulk. There may still be a concern with long-exposure to microwave photons, even though they contain the least amount of energy per particle, due to the number of photons involved.

Student responses
Section 4160
(A) : 19 students
(B) : 2 students
(C) : 1 student
(D) : 7 students

Section 5166
(A) : 26 students
(B) : 5 students
(C) : 3 students
(D) : 17 students

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