Physics clicker question, movie: Space Shuttle tile

Physics 5A, Fall Semester 2007
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Cf. Giambattista/Richardson/Richardson, Physics, 1/e, Conceptual Question 13.9 (extended)

Students were asked the following clicker question (Classroom Performance System, einstruction.com) at the beginning of their learning cycle:

[0.6 participation points.] A 50 g Space Shuttle heat tile, and a 50 g iron sample each absorb an equal amount of heat from a bunsen burner. Which sample will have a greater increase in temperature?
(A) Space Shuttle tile.
(B) 50 g iron sample.
(C) (Both samples will have approximately the same increase in temperature.)
(D) (I'm lost, and don't know how to answer this.)

Sections 0906, 0907
(A) : 0 students
(B) : 26 students
(C) : 3 students
(D) : 0 students

Correct answer: (B)

The heat capacity is defined as the ratio of the heat Q (put in) to the resulting temperature increase delta(T):

C = Q/delta(T).

The Space Shuttle TPS (thermal protection tile) has a larger heat capacity, as it experiences a small increase in temperature for a given amount of heat, while the iron sample has a smaller heat capacity, experiencing a large increase in temperature with the same amount of heat.

Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System (TPS) Tile
Posted by ntschke

Do not touch the tile immediately after heating!

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