Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam, illustrated

Astronomy 10, spring semester 2007
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Three favorites from this semester, by virtue of including illustrations (which were projected onto an overhead screen while the students read their poems):

Oh Because A Freaking Giraffe Kicked Me Right Near Something Critical.
--J. S.

Only Beautiful Astronomers Find Gorgeous Killer Moons.
--D. S.

Oh Bummer, Another Freaky Giant Killer Monkey Raided Nearby School Classes.
--S. P.

Previous post: OBAFGKM poetry slam (Spring Session 2007).

Plus a favorite from a past semester (Fall 2005):

Oh Beautiful Astronomical Friends Go Kiss Mr. Len.
--B. B.

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